Western Australia > Wheatbelt
Contact Cloudbase Paragliding Club or the Hill Flyers Club to check on the current access arrangements. This site is privately owned, and the current owners have not granted permission for pilots to enter or fly from their land.

Type | Inland Ridge |
Conditions | NW |
Height | 400ft / 120m agl |
Rating | PG: Supervised (Intermediate when in crop); HG: Advanced (closed when in crop) |
In the Avon Valley near Toodyay. The first pilots on site each day must contact the owner to ask permission. If the owner cannot be contacted you may not enter the property. Access to this site is often denied depending on fire risk, crop and stock conditions, please do not take access to this site for granted. Access to this site has traditionally been through Noondeening Hill which is now closed. It is not known if the owner is happy for vehicles to be driven on his property, you will need to check specifically before doing so.
This is the northwesterly face at the western end of Noondeening hill. Fairly small, but a nice open site with surprisingly good thermalling. The big top landing and side landing possibilities make it a viable site in very light and very strong winds for paragliders, but the lack of access to suitable bottom landing areas makes it a less attractive site for hanggliders.
As the site is small the usual practice in light conditions is to kite the a paraglider on launch until there is enough lift to go up. The gully to the right of launch often generates lift, but has trees in front so watch out if it doesn't. The best thermals to get away from the site seem to come off the ridge at the far right leading to the summit of Noondeening Hill.
The big paddock behind launch provides a good bail out option, if you follow a thermal behind launch then lose it. The small flat topped spur to the left of launch makes a good landing option that will save you some walking if you drop below take off.
Site Records: PG: Open distance- 73km, Eric Metrot, Mar 02; HG:?
Hazards / Comments
As with all inland sites, thermals can generate considerable turbulence and heavy sink. Maintain adequate clearance at all times. The face, although clear of trees is steep and rocky. Side landings are possible but can be dangerous especially for inexperienced pilots. If the bottom landing paddock is cropped considerable skill is required to land before it and the site is not suitable for novices or for hanggliders in such a situation.