New South Wales > Blue Mountains

Mount Ovens

Type Inland ridge and thermic
Conditions West; HG < 15 knots, PG < 10 knots
Height 450m / 1400 feet
Rating HG Restricted: Conditions: 5 - 10 knots with strict SO supervision - Ideal conditions only. VHFOPS rating. HG Intermediate: Conditions: 5 - 15 knots with SO supervision. VHFOPS rating. HG Advanced: Conditions: < 15 knots. VHFOPS rating. PG2 & PG3: Not suitable. PG4: Conditions: 0 - 10 knots with SO supervision. VHFOPS rating. PG5: Conditions: < 10 knots. VHFOPS rating.
North of Great Western Highway, Approx 10km East of Bathurst.


Landing on private property. Club holds a licence for launch, with conditions of use.



See also


All pilots must be current SAFA members. Currently a sensitive site. Must be flown in company of club members, and land owner of launch must be cobtacted before flying.


Earth ramp through tree slot. Hazards: Turbulence in strong and/or crossed winds.


Primary: Directly in front of launch (long glide). Alternate: Along ridge 3km to left, next to Great Western Highway. Top: In State Forest behind launch in suitable conditions.


X-C: Good potential to West open farm lands, and East after crossing forest.

Hazards / Comments

  • Landowner of landing must be contacted 24h before flying by a club member.
  • Be aware of turbulence if wind is crossed or strong.
  • LZ is sloping and contains numerous rocks.
  • Do not leave glide to landing paddock late, especially on low performance gliders.
  • Allow at least 2000ft above launch before heading cross country to the East. Large forested area.
  • Keep an eye out for sailplanes operating out of Bathurst that often soar Mount Ovens.
  • VHF radio is required for flying at Mount Ovens. Close proximity to Bathurst regional airport. Directly in front of launch 11Km.

Emergency Services: Call 000. Bathurst Hospital (02) 6330 5311, Lithgow Hospital (02) 6350 2300