Victoria > West Inland

Mt Tarrengower

Type Inland hill
Conditions WSW to WNW
Height 250m agl, 1739' / 530m amsl
Rating HG Strict Intermediate; PG4
Near Maldon, 120km NW of Melbourne.

The sealed road top to bottom is 5-10 minutes tops - there is a little gravel section from the main road to the landing area. Launch is 140m down the road from the Ridge Track junction. Safe parking is midway between these two points. Please do not leave vehicles opposite launch (road safety).


Take Off: Parks Victoria. Landing: Privately owned. Contact: WVHGC


Marcus (0423521561)




WSW to WNW. SW and NW wind directions are possible if light; however exercise caution with a NW direction as rotor is generated by the rocky hill 1 km off to the NW and note that landings are in the lee of this hill with this wind direction. North is definitely dangerous.

WSW is the preferred wind direction for XC. The site is far enough from the coast for a good air moisture to temp gradient ratio with a higher cloud base and offers excellent XC potential.

The take-off is on the slope below the top of the hill, which means the pilot may not accurately access the real wind conditions on launch. It is suggested pilots go the top of the hill and check the actual wind conditions on the tower before proceeding to the launch area.


Launch 455m, LZ 255m. The bomb-out is 1,000m from take-off making it a glide ratio of 5:1. The terrain between launch and landing is scattered with trees and granite boulders. You should not launch unless you are confident of reaching the landing paddock.

Slot launch: 12.5 metres gap in tree canopy at the start, opening up to 15 metres. Slot launches always limit the amount of launcheable crosswind however the trees on the side of launch are not overly dense. Competent ground handling and inflation skills are required for paragliders. It is a slightly long glide out for floater hang gliders and paragliders in moderate headwind. Beware that the wind can often appear straight on at launch due to the slot but may in fact be off. If so, you may experience turbulence immediately after launch and sink.

The tree tops below launch offer a good indicator of cycles coming up the face. The setting up of multiple streamers on different sections of the take-off is advisable. The shallow take off run ends with a lip and steeper section below. This may suit paragliders in lighter conditions; however hang gliders should aim to be airborne prior to the drop off.



There are no bomb out options on the slopes of Tarrengower.


The landing area is a sloping horse paddock on the other side of Mt Back Road. A strategically placed wind sock will be visible from launch.

  • Land well away from the horses (at the opposite end of the paddock if safe to do so).

  • Minimise time in the paddock, and pack up hang gliders at the gate.

  • Respect privacy and not fly over adjacent homes


For paragliders there is an alternative smaller landing to the N of the larger paddock, but again check for livestock. Alternate landing options exist for hang gliders to the SW with vehicle access via Treloars Road. Watch out for the single wire power line.



Tarrengower Prison to the North.


Observe Bendigo airspace if flying XC in this direction.


The site is within a few hours from Melbourne with good public transport. Public toilets & camping is available at the base of the hill. Mountain (down hill) bike trails have been cut through the mountain, and Maldon is an interesting historic township.


It's a W site and the launch side of the hill is in the shade in the morning. The bomb out is straight out from launch so with a wind blowing in the correct direction for launching this is headwind and the glide out is easy. In non-ideal conditions the rule of thumb is to head towards the landing if you are below launch. The glide angle is similar to Mt Broughton, but with a much smaller top to bottom of about 200m vertical, so one sink cycle has you immediately contemplating "emergency bomb-outs" (effectively there are none).

The low ridge in front is an excellent thermal trigger and larger rock outcrops provide plenty of thermal activity since they are in the sun from early morning. If you get high enough for a safe glide across to the rocky hill NW of launch, you may be rewarded with an early ticket to cloud base.