Queensland > South Queensland > Sunshine Coast

North End Sunshine Beach

Conditions S-SSE
Height 33m / 108ft
Rating All levels

Landowners - ?


John Vasta (PG SO) (0416 283 883), Shane Gingell (PG SO) (0417 619 167), Jean Luc Lejaille (PG SO) (0418 754 157), Tex Beck (PG SO) (0407 238 017), Dave Cookman (HG SO) (0427 498 573), SCFF



See also


You must be a member of the responsible club (SCSA) to fly this site. Visiting pilots are welcome. Temporary/visiting pilot club membership can be applied for on the SCSA website.

This is a relatively small site, and as such there is only room for a small number of pilots flying at any one time. Please discuss the take off options and flying conditions with a Club Safety Officer before flying.