Queensland > South Queensland > Sunshine Coast
Sunrise Beach
Type | |
Conditions | E |
Height | 23m / 75ft |
Rating | All levels |
https://freeflyers.com.au/sunrise/ for location information, see here
Noosa Regional Council is the Land Manager. But the local residents are very possessive of their privacy.
SCFF , Dominic Colvile (SCFF SSO PG) , Dave Cookman (SCSA SO HG) (0427 498 573), SCSAResponsible
SCFFSee also
You must be a member of the responsible club (SCFF) to fly this site. Visiting pilots are welcome. Temporary/visiting pilot club membership can be applied for on the SCFF website.
Sunrise beach flying site at Noosa is located in one of the most prestigious areas on the Sunshine Coast. This site has previously been lost to us due to visiting (and sometimes local) pilots, not following local club site guidelines. Pilots are not welcome unless they receive AND FOLLOW a site briefing provided by a club official or safety officer.
ALL PARAGLIDER PILOTS MUST BE INDUCTED INTO THE SITE BY A SAFETY OFFICER AND CHECK-IN ONLINE BEFORE FLIGHT SCFF website. You must be a member of SCFF to fly this site. This site is EXTREMELY sensitive. It's simple - don't fly there without the face to face induction.
Retention of this site relies upon a close and co-operative partnership between the local residents and every pilot that flies this site, and the land manager
Hang Glider pilots may join SCFF or SCSA.
https://freeflyers.com.au/sunrise/ for detailed take off information
https://freeflyers.com.au/sunrise/ for detailed landing information
https://freeflyers.com.au/sunrise/ for detailed flying information - there is a specific protocol - don't fly here unless you've had a face to face briefing from an SCFF Safety Officer. There is a camera on site.
Hazards / Comments
https://freeflyers.com.au/sunrise/ for safety information