Victoria > East Inland
Mt Emu
Type | Inland Mountain |
Conditions | SW (Emu 2: NW) |
Height | 1360m / 4460' asl, 975m / 3200' agl |
Rating | PG4 / HG Intermediate. PG2 require FI/SSO supervision. PG3 require PG5 supervision. HG Sup require HG Int supervision. |
Vicroads 50 E4. The launch is difficult to find - a guide is recommended for your first trip to the top. From the intersection of Mountain Creek Rd & The Kiewa Valley Highway, head towards the east. Approx 15km from the intersection you started from and 19km from Mitta, turn hard left at Eskdale Spur Track. Follow this track turning left at the hut junction (4km) and straight on at the overhead powerline junction (another 3km). The distance from the Highway is some 20km and will take approx 40 minutes. The track is two wheel driveable but take it slowly if you don't have much ground clearance and/or have street tyres. The original rocky 4wd track is still available but will take longer if its not overgrown. Check the map or download this GPX file of the track to launch.
000 Emergency Markers (?)
- MTE100: Emu 1
Vic Govt, DSE (Dept Sustainability & Environment). This site is licensed to VHPA, Refer DSE Licence on VHPA 'downloads' page.
Dave Coleman (PG) (0451 653 751)Responsible
NEVHGC , VHPADescription
Mt Emu is a large mountain ridge overlooking Tawonga in the Kiewa Valley. It is the highest mountain launch in Victoria. A weather station has been installed on launch.
The setup area is a clearing used as a helicopter drop area for fire fighting teams. The Emu 1 launch itself is an earth ramp with a tree slot. Ensure the wind is straight before committing to launch. When launching, ensure you have excess air speed to help you counteract any turbulence. A mistake on launch is likely to result in an impromptu tree landing.
Emu 2
(NW)Emu 2 is approximately 500m further along the track from Emu 1 launch (4WD advised). It is a smaller tree-slot launch. Again, here too ensure the wind is straight and your run is fast.
Emu 1
Landing areas are plentiful in the Kiewa Valley but there are some landowners which don't want us to land on their properties. It is best to check the map and/or speak to the local pilots before flying. It is essential that local landowners are not antagonised.
Currently, the closest two landing paddocks for Mt Emu are Baird's and Granma Roper's - see the map for locations. Baird's is not visible from either launch and can have horses in it. If you must land there, just land away from them. This is the ONLY paddock where it is ok to land near horses. Granma Roper's is a better LZ for HG and is visible from Emu 1 albeit further away than Baird's. Baird's might suit PG's better. There is a power line running north-south along the eastern boundary to Granma Roper's. Ensure you inspect it before landing there and when you do give yourself enough height when arriving to keep clear of it. If landing at Grandma Roper's don't fly low over the triangular paddock immediately east, as there can be horses here. The recommended approach is to keep to the south of the Mountain Creek Rd bend when approaching to land into the north or west avoiding the horse paddock and powerlines as well.
The Mt Beauty airstrip is a good place to land but watch for glider and GA traffic. If arriving high, lose height and land on the west side of the runway only. Gliders will do the same on the east side. Be aware that gliders may be towing into the north using a stationary winch. In that case, stay clear of the airspace immediately above the airstrip until the glider has released and the cable has been wound in.
Once airborne it is best to stay on the ridges to improve your chances of locating thermals. Since the launch is at the Mt Beauty end of the Kiewa Wall, you can follow the ridge for about 40km to the NNE. This is especially convenient for out and return flights. Flying in the other direction is limited as the valley ends at Mt Beauty after about 5km.
Extensive cross country flights are possible by working up the Kiewa Valley, or by crossing over in the direction of Bright (noting there is a large stretch of trees for several km in this direction and also unlandable paddocks).
Map information