Victoria > West Coast
Bells Beach

Type | Coastal Cliffs |
Conditions | S - E |
Height | Southside: 35m, Jarosite: 75m asl |
Rating | PG2 / HG Supervised |
Located overlooking the famous surf beach near Torquay. Melways Map 93, F7.
Parks Vic
Dynasoarers , Rob van der Klooster (0408 335 559), Peter Hannah (0422 148 545), Jan Bennewitz (0423 139 923)Responsible
DynasoarersSee also
One of the most popular West Coast sites for paragliders. Beautiful, varied coastline with a sizable flyable stretch in the right conditions. Flights to Jan Juc to the NE, and Anglesea and beyond to the SW are possible in the right conditions. See also the Winkipop launch entry for information on the coast run.
Beach nesting birds: Hooded Plovers nest in this area. Visit this page to learn more.
(E-SE)75m / 250ft asl. Rated HG Supervised/PG2. To get to this launch, drive west past the Southside carpark turnoff for about 400 m until you see a dirt turnout with a walking track. Follow the track until you come to a meeting of five tracks. Take the leftmost one to launch. It's a fair way if you're carrying a hang glider.
(SE-SSW)35m / 120ft asl. Rated PG2, recommended PG only. Park at Southside carpark and take the track at the end of the carpark. Setup and launch from the astroturf area only. Due to rotor from the cliff edge, this takeoff can be tricky for hang gliders.
Top land on Southside or land on the beach below. Beware, in a high tide/high surf, this beach can get too small to safely land. Always consider your landing options.
Map information